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Feel free to reach out to us via phone, email, or submit the contact form on this page. We'll get back to you as  soon as we can. We look forward connecting!

  • Phone: 303-868-9916
  • Email:
  • Littleton, Colorado

How Can We Help?

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take to Inflate?

10-20 minutes, depending on whether you have the electric car pump or the hand pump, and what size adventure board you have.

When Can I Use It?

Year round! The versatility is what makes this product so unique. Rugged enough for the outdoors but easily transportable inside for crummy weather days and back out for the warm ones, this piece of equipment facilitates fun all year.

Help! My Adventure Board is Leaking.

Check all valves to ensure the pin is out and the valve is properly closed. Still leaking? Contact Adventure board: (303) 868-9916 (call or message) | |

Why is My Adventure Board Losing Air?

Adventure boards often need their pressure regulated, and you will notice this more when being used outside. Hot air takes up more space than cold air, so as the temperature rises you will need to reduce the pressure, and as it cools you can add more air. Remember, always put pressure to the lowest level when being left outside, and only leave it in shade.

Do I Need to use an Underlay When Using my Adventure Board Outside?

Adventure Boards were specifically designed and created to be used indoor and outdoor, so as long as your ground is free of sharp debris there is no need for an underlay.

What are the Differences Between Adventure Boards and Other Mainline Air Track Products?

Construction! While they look similar in shape the construction of the Adventure Boards is significantly different. Unlike traditional air tracks, Adventure boards have 13,000 threads/ft2 , two thick layers of PVC on the walls, and fusion technology (used for white water SUPs) on the surface. This makes them infinitely more rugged and able to go up to a radically higher PSI--allowing them to be a multi-use piece of equipment. Sure, you can do everything you could on a traditional air track on the Adventure Board, but you can also do a whole bunch more!

I Want my Adventure Board to be Wider. What can be Done?

To ensure the integrity of Adventure Boards, thicker material was used, limiting the ability to increase the width. However, we offer adventure boards with velcro so that you can double the width by attaching two together.

What is the lifespan of my Adventure Board?

This is impacted by how and where your equipment is used. We offer the best warranty on the market – if instructions in this manual are followed – with a 5-year manufacturer’s guarantee. The customer is responsible for delivery to the nearest dealer. See the Limited Warranty for more details.

How do I Patch / Repair my Adventure Board?

• Clean the area around the crack or hole with ethanol.
• Cut a piece of the patch included with your board, trimming patch 1 inch wider than the hole or crack.
• Apply glue to the patch and adventure board using a brush.
• Place the patch on the adventure board and press.
• Let dry and do not use for 24 hours.